Thursday, October 25, 2007

What a day!!!!

Ok so yesterday was one of those days where as a working mom you close the door to your office an just bawl. Let me explain.

Since the kids were babies we have had them in daycare, we are very fortunate to have a daycare that is part of the federal government due to Dan's Army affiliation. The daycare has been amazing since the day I walked into the place, next to Disney it is the happiest place on earth!!! So while I have always had the pangs of guilt for sending my kids there while I work I knew that they were in great hands. Lauren my oldest has moved on from the center and is now in Kindergarten and I feel that because of the great care as well as good parenting (wink wink) she came to school fully prepared to deal with all that kindergarten had to offer.

My 3 year old also attends this wonderful daycare as well and in late July was moved to his new 3 year old room (although not yet 3 he is the biggest kid in the class) he was doing well with the usual issues when a room and care giver transition occurs. However since September he has been a holy terror or so I am told by teachers in the room. He is very well behaved with me at home so I have been puzzled by these behavior reports.

So yesterday I am in my office and the phone rings I see on the caller ID that it is the daycare and I think OK what happened, did he bump his head, fall off a piece of playground equipment what??? Imagine my surprise when the teacher says to me we cannot get your son to listen so I have him here from you to talk to him. I asked what has happened and she says ask him yourself he is right hear. I proceed to say to my son what is wrong and he tells me he is not listening, I ask why and he says because, I ask him to please put on his listening ears and that we will talk about it when I pick him up, then I ask are you ok? He doesn't answers instead shakes his head I know that only because I hear the teacher say your mom can't see you shake your head. I am crushed because I know that my son is upset because he gets quite and doesn't respond when he thinks he is in trouble.

Now while I understand that threatening to call the parents is needed and should he have hurt another child himself or a teacher a call would seem very appropriate but actually calling me for what I later found out was the teachers inability to get on my sons level (he is 3 not 30 after all ) and talk to him resulted in having me called. As a daycare you would think there would be a overwhelming understanding that as a working mom I am torn every day when I leave to go to work and putting me in a situation where I can clearly do nothing makes life harder for me and my son.

So there I sat after I hung up the phone thinking what a horrible parent I was and that if I weren't working I would not have calls like these and he would somehow be happier and better behaved, (although I am still not convinced that he is doing anything other then what typical 3 year old do) and all would be right with the world.

Then reality hit me in the face like an ocean wave. Wait a minute!!! They spend 8 hours a day with my son, I get 4 if I am lucky and he is great for me. Clearly there is an issue in the room and my son is reacting to it.
So my investigation is on! I am not sure what will come of it and I am surely not naive enough to think my son is saint but it seems rather odd that these calls about my sons behavior just began when a new lead teacher began in September. To be continued.......

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