Thursday, October 18, 2007

Have to start somewhere......

So I have been wanting to try my hand at writing for some time now. I am told that when Ia m passionate about something I tend to be a very
good writer, guess the rest of the time I guess I barely get by but no one is bold enough to tell you that!

I am a working mom of 2 Lauren who is 5 and Jackson who is 3, I have been married for 8 1/2 years! Some days it is all I have to throw my legs over the side of the bed and start ground hog day again and again and again! I know you know how I feel! I have gotten to the point where holidays like Veterans and Presidents day are like gold to me not because I am a veteran although I respect the hell out of them especially since i am married to an Army Officer, no I look forward to holiday's like veterans day because it is a 3 day weekend! Don't get me wrong that does not mean no work 3 days weekend just another day to get up later if you call 6:30 later (guess it is compared to my normal wake up of 5:20) enjoy my cup of Joe and linger in my Pj's just a few minutes long then I do the rest of the week!

So here is my hope for the blog! I hope to provide some humor to those parents out there that are in the same ground hog day like spot that I am in. Writing is therapy for me and while you may not like the idea of therapy it is a needed evil for me if i plan to make it to 40 without having a nervous breakdown.

here are some topic I plan to cover int eh coming blogs unless life dictates otherwise!
Au pair (other wise knows as nannies)
Alzheimer's not just for the old anymore
Potty training
Mommy and Daddy time (does this really exist???)
and a host of other issues that I find humours or cathartic!

Send me a comment I want to hear from you!

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