Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Updates and stuff

So I seem to average oh a posting a month not a good thing for the Bloggy world. Life has been busy as usual, seems that one time consuming event leads to another in my life.
Since September, I have been working like crazy, as I was promoted to AVP and now head up all of the operations areas. I enjoy the challenge and it has kept me busy, sometimes a little too busy. I find myself bring work home in the evening or staying late to catch and keep up. I think things are starting to smooth out though and I am looking forward to a productive 2011 on the work front.
I have handled most moms’ estate and there is very little left to do. I do still have a large amount of personal items (letters, card, keepsakes) from over the years that I have yet to bring myself to go through. Maybe later this winter I will get to them.
Work has been a huge distraction with respect to me dealing with the loss of my mom. In some ways, I feel as though I did the obligatory duties (funeral, legal paper work, and dealing with the house) but I realized I still haven’t let out all my emotions with regard to my mom’s passing. More on that to come….
I am still running and loving it, I have mentally mapped out my race schedule for 2011 now I need to get it on paper and stick to it. 2011 may be my year to take on the Marathon. I am still debating if I am ready for that challenge.
In December, Dan and I took a much needed vacation without kids! My in-laws were sweet enough to babysit all 3 kids and I am happy to say everyone survived. More to come on that topic as well…..
The kids had a wonderful Christmas and they were very happy with all of Santa’s loot. Even little Izzy was excited. However, I am already looking forward to next year when she has a better understanding of what is going on. Here they are Christmas Morning. As you can see they have all grown quite a bit since my last pictures of them in MAY!

I hope all of you had a very Merry Christmas and that 2011 is your best year yet. I will be posting a bit more regularly, I missed the blog interaction, and I do believe it is a great form of therapy.

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