Monday, June 21, 2010

Adventures in Sewing

So I have this dress:
IMAG0137 (2)

That got caught in an escalator
IMAG0138 (2)

The grease that keeps an escalator running does not come out of dresses.

So I decided since this dress was F'd anyway why not try out my new sewing machine!!!


Can't make the dress any worse than it already is. Hardie har har.

So I cut off the bottom:
IMAG0141 (2)

Not very well as you can see.

Pinned it:
IMAG0142 (2)

With the help of Juno:
IMAG0146 (2)

The only problem was I only had 2 pins. Who needs pins anyway?

So after spending an hour figuring out how to set up the machine I started on the dress, only to have a bit of an issue with the thread

IMAG0149 (2)

So after fixing that issue the rest of the dress went pretty fast.
IMAG0152 (2)

Turned out well.

Except maybe the pins do have a use:
IMAG0153 (2)

Oh well. Good enough for my first dress. ^_^

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