Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A sad day for DC and Metro

It's been a crazy few 24 hours here in DC. As I am sure you have seen the DC metro system suffered it's worse disaster in its history yesterday afternoon. I have a good number of colleagues who could have been on one of those trains but thankfully they were not. The wreck is one of sheer devastation and the pictures on TV do not even come close to depicting the scene. I had the misfortune of seeing the wreck on my way to work from the dentist this morning all I could do was bow my head and say a little prayer for those who lost their lives and those that were injured.

While I do not ride the metro on a daily basis it has been a part of my upbringing and I have always found it to be a very safe mode of transportation. I hope this will not place a black eye on the metro system as I think it is one of the finest in the country.

To my fellow DC Metropolitan commuters please have some patience the next couple weeks as they try to sort out the details of this horrible accident.

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