Monday, May 4, 2009

Whew what a weekend......

First, is was great to be home, I love my home and I love being in it! Friday I worked from home which was wonderful because it allows me to get a lot more work done than when I am actually at work and it allows me to take the kids to and from school which I love! Nothing like having them squeal "Mommy" when I pick them up. Also Friday was my 10 year Anniversary and Dan and I enjoyed dinner out at the Capital Grill Restaurant! He gave me a lovely necklace and I gave him a watch. Still hard to believe 10 years has come and gone so quickly.

Saturday was Soccer day and we started at 9am followed by a trip to pick up the plants for our deck. I love being outside and planting things and watching them grow has become a lot more fun and less like work in my old age. OK it is still work but I enjoy them more so it balances out. Check out some of my before and after pictures.

Dan was busy in the yard laying topsoil and grass seed, he was so tired on Saturday that he feel asleep at 8:30 a record for my night owl husband. Sunday was a lazy rainy day filled with sorting cleaning and organizing in the house. I think my nesting has definitely started because I feel the need to clean out everything. If I open a drawer and it has clutter watch out because in a matter of minutes I have it all dumped out ready to be organized.

I owe you all some update pictures of the prego belly. I certainly eel as though I am out there now. Also I am working on some posts about babies names and if it is OK to register for your 3rd baby stay tuned!

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