Monday, May 18, 2009

On the Road Again

Ok I can't seem to get the song "On the Road Again" by Willie Nelson out of my head. Add to that I really am on the road again well you get the picture. I am so stressed out with this project I am working on at work. It seems as though our July deadline for launch is not going to happen and it is going to be more like August 1st, ok only a month off but only a month before my due date. So I am frantic to get all the work stuff I can done while still trying to balance family and pregnancy at the same time. Most days I feel like I am come out on top but then there are days like Friday where I feel I am failing miserably.

Friday was my 6 month check up. I had not been feeling so well the previous few days but chalked it up to just being tired. So my day begins with an email from a mom on my kid’s schools picnic committee of which I am a part of. Sparing you the ugly details I will simply say there seems to be "one in every bunch" I think you get my drift so after about 5 emails back forth with her and the entire committee which she copied I tackled work. Needless today it was not my day because I had received some news about my project again nothing I will bore you with that kinda made me feel like I am banging my head against a wall. All the while I have this pain in my side which is killing me. So I head off to the Doc he checks me out scolds (not really but I like the word) me for my elevated Blood Pressure, informs me that I will need to take my glucose test in 2 weeks and tells me I should not be surprised if I have gestational diabetes since I was close with the last one. He then proceeds to measure my big ole bump and i tell him I have been having some pain on one side (which is the side little miss likes to hang out on) He touches a spot on my belly and I about hit the roof. He says ah someone’s bladder is infected tests me and sure enough I have UTI news to me cause I have never had one before. I also get the finger wag because I was unable to give a large (if any) urine sample I was told in a funny way that ALL pregnant women should be able to pee on demand and clearly I am not getting enough fluid. So that my friends was my Friday!

The weekend progressed with Soccer games for the kids swim try outs for Lauren and me working my ass off trying to clear to the closest to move all of our crap out of the guest room which will now be my son’s room so his baby sister can have his room. Only for me to get on a plane today and head out for Blue Springs MO, home to David cook for all you Idol fans. I'm not an idol fan I just happen to see the sign on the highway on the way to the hotel.

So there is the scoop, thanks for all the great name suggestions and votes still not sure where we are going on the name front but I am sure we will figure it out soon. I am off to do some much needed work work.

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