Monday, October 27, 2008

Marine Corps Marathon 10K .....I did it!!!!!

Yes, I finished my first (and not my last) 10K wow was that exciting! I was shooting for a time of 60 min but I turned in a respectable time of 1:07.04. That means I was maintaining a 10:55 pace not the 10 min pace I was looking for but I will take it. Not too bad for a first timer at that distance. The last 3/4 of a mile was brutal, I think these marines are sadistic, the entire last 3/4 of a mile was uphill !!!!!!

It was an emotional event as there were numerous people running in memory of a family member, loved, one or simply a friend they had lost in this war. Seeing the T-shirts with pictures of these young men and women made we want to run even harder as I felt in some ways I was running for them since they fought for me. I am so sore today but it was all worth it. Below are some pictures from race day hope you enjoy!

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