Thursday, July 31, 2008

On the road and guest blogging

I am on the road for work so this will be brief since I am to give a presentation in about an hour and a half.

As you may know I am headed out for a weeks vacation starting Aug 11th, and since all of my bloggy friends are some of the most creative, funny and good story tellers I know, I was wondering if any of you would be interested in guest blogging? Drop me a line and let me know if you are interested. I am looking for 5 bloggers for Mon-Fri. Or if you want the whole week or a few days that will work too!

Ok, back to work, keep your fingers crossed I don't fall on my face or screw up while giving my speech!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Scipio Rodeo

On July 26, we made the trek down to Scipio, Utah for the Round Valley Rodeo. It's Adam's family tradition, and we went last year, so now it's tradtion for our family! After doing the only things you can do in Scipio (visit the antique shop, gas station, and drive up to the now-dry lake), we went to the rodeo. Eric and Britt came on their way to St. George and we had a lot of fun! Luckily it wasn't too hot :)

Tuesday Toot

So over the weekend my husband and I cleaned out the garage, I thought I had better pictures to show just how much we had done. These are OK but I don't think that truly depict the hard work. So there is my Tuesday Toot! Now go Toot your own horn!!!!

Here is my ham of a husband before we got started, He tought I was looning to take before and after pictures. Blog Baby, I told him. To whihc he rolled his eyes. Like the shirt?

These are before the cleaning began, it is important to tell you that we have a 3 car garage but only 2 were ever able to be in there at one time!

After !
I can now put 3 cars in the garage!
Things seems to be a bit more orderly then they were.

I was also able to clear out the Closet in the basement where are mud room is!!!!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Nashville no more for IndyCar?

The IndyCar Series failed to reach an agreement for 2009 for Nashville Superspeedway. Story here. There are also some reports that the series will instead run in Toronto. Either way, I think that the Canadian market will be very important as the ICS continues to grow. It's also worth noting that every report I saw from Edmonton discussed an enthusiastic, growing crowd attending the races. Good news for Canadian fans, ey!

So the weekend was nothing spectacular.....

Friday started with Dan and a bunch of the guys having poker at our house till nearly 3am. Thankfully neither the kids or I were disturbed by the game play. I will say hubby did his best to clean up after everyone left, however I still stepped in dry sticking beer in the kitchen the next morning.

Saturday was a work day we totally gutted the garage and we are now finally about to park 3 cars in our 3 car garage, I will post pictures tomorrow in my Tuesday Toot!

Saturday night I took my mom out for dinner for her birthday, I left feeling worse then I arrived which seems to be the case more and more these days. I arrived at her house with a bouquet of flowers and her gift, she also had my birthday gift sine my birthday is Sunday and she knew she wouldn't see me because my goddaughters baptism is the same day. She opened her gift and within 30 seconds after opening it said, she wished the gift card ($275) had been from somewhere else because they have better prices on electronics, which was the reason for me giving her the gift card so she could get what she wanted. I was irked but that is typical of my mom. Mom had decided on Friday that she wanted to go to Macaroni Grill for dinner I called ahead for a 6:45 sitting. So we arrive at 6:45 I am having trouble finding a space so I ask her to go in and let them know we were here so we wouldn't lose our spot. That was mistake number one! When I walked in the place was a mad house and there was my mom with the hostess giving her an earful that we had a reservation and she demanded to be seated and speak to a manager. I of course was mortified because clearly the place was packed and they were doing the best that they could. I asked her to please stop being so indignant but she just couldn't let it go. We were seated by 7pm so it was only a 15 min wait vs. the 45 min others who had walked in without a reservation were waiting. We sat down at the table the server asked how long the wait was and I said not bad, mom of course piped up oh I wouldn't say that. At this point I really just wanted to get up and leave because my evening was ruined by her shitty attitude. I stayed and got through it but I can't say that I enjoyed myself.

Sunday was a whole lot of nothing in our house, the kids and I cleaned out the playroom and organized it so it looked a bit neater and it would be easier to find things. Other then that I had a run to Costco and was napping on my sofa at 5pm...ah that is what weekends are all about!!! Below are some before and afters of the playroom, the kiddos were good sports about the clean up.




So this week I am headed out of town on business I will be in Springfield IL Wednesday and Thursday to give a presentation, I hate speaking in public but I better get used to it since I will be doing it a lot more in the future. If any of my regular readers are near that area let me know and maybe we can meet up.

So that is the weekend in a nutshell what fun and exciting things did the rest of you do???

Friday, July 25, 2008

Friday Hodge Podge

Hi everyone!!

So did you miss the Friday Hodge Podge? I can honestly say I did, I have a ton to talk about so please indulge me!

Big Thanks to all of you who sent kind words as I suffered my mini melt down. I can happily say I am through it and I now feel obligated to fill you in on everything that has been going on.

As you know I had a mammogram done for the first time earlier this month, I will admit I was a bit nervous about having my boob (a large C small D) smashed in vice gripes for some random stranger to see, but I did it and it wasn’t all that bad, piece of cake actually. I walked away from the exam happy that I was being proactive with my health and fully expected nothing to come of the exam. That happiness with my actions was shattered early last week. I received a call informing me that I needed to come back and undergo a comprehensive mammogram due to some abnormalities found in my right breast. That call is one I hope none of you ever receive. It was of course unexpected not to mention handled poor by the healthcare professional who took my normal mid morning work routine and turned it upside down while also leaving me feeling as though I would throw up at any given moment. I panicked, I wasn’t sure who to call what to do I sat at my desk frozen. This was my first ever mammogram and it had come back with questions that needed to be answered. My husband was a rock, he got me an appointment to see “the best” radiologist for my comprehensive screening which was yesterday afternoon. I am happy to tell you that all is fine; I nearly crushed the girl who came to give me my results.

So while I did have all the things going on that I bloged about, I also had this looming over my head. I have weathered the storm and I am still happy that I deceived to have the mammogram done even if it provided me one hell of a scare. So to those of you out there that haven’t gone, please go, if there is something there catch it early. If you get a false positive, it’s ok, better then not being tested at all.

Now on to other topics.

BlogHer- I say this with all the love I can, you biotches look like you had a great time and I am bummed that I was not a part of it. Maybe I will pull myself out of my social cocoon and come next year. However there is something really intimidating to me about being in a room full of people who I know are far better bloggers than I will ever be.

Birthdays- My mom is going to be 65 next Tuesday, part of me can’t believe that she will be 65 because she really doesn’t look it, not to mention that it just sounds weird to say my mom is 65, that means social security and Medicare she isn’t really old enough for those things in my eyes. Yet she is, because I her only child will be 36 just 5 short days after she turns 65. I have never really dwelled on age, that’s a lie I had a pity party for myself when I turned 30 because no one made a huge deal about it and there I was with my 5 month old first born thinking this sucks (turning 30 that is) , I was a bit of a diva about that birthday. Yet other then turning 30, age has never really bothered me, but for some reason this year it is paramount in my mind. 36…. How the hell did I become 36!!!!

Chicken pox update- all seems to be good at the house on the chicken pox front, I think we dodged a huge bullet on that score. I remember when I was a kid I got them all over and it seemed all I did was sit in oatmeal bath’s. Luckily this was mild to say the least and Lauren never showed a spot. She has been exposed now twice and nothing so I think we are out of the woods.

House projects- I have 2 projects that I want to get done this weekend. Tonight while the hubby and the boys play poker at my house I will dig into my bedroom closet to give it a good cleaning. The second project will be the garage, which I have a feeling I will be doing alone if poker ends up being a late night, nonetheless it will be getting done. I will be sure to post before and after pictures.

Awards- You guys Rock! I have received 3 awards in the last week, what have I done to deserve those??? I will post about those early next week.

That’s in on The Daily Grind front; I hope you all have a great weekend. Don’t forget you can still ask me personal questions that I will answer in my weekly Hodge Podge blog.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Edmonton Preview

Rexall Edmonton Indy logoHistory:
The Edmonton airport circuit at the Edmonton City Centre Airport has only been in existence for just a few years, although the city of Edmonton has a history of racing dating back to the Can-Am days of the late 60's and early 70's. Roger Penske himself has won at the Edmonton International Speedway circuit in a Porsche 917 against stiff competition from Mark Donohue, Sir Jackie Stewart, and Bruce McLaren. He's not the only big name to have enjoyed racing at this too often overlooked city. During the early days of Formula Atlantics, the greatest Canadian racer to have ever put their right foot down, Gille Villenuve won twice at EIS.

The airport circuit, although not as richly steeped as its older sibling EIS, still holds amongst its list of competitors a significant number of stout drivers. The three races at this circuit, beginning in 2005, were held by the Champ Car World Series, many of whose drivers are now with us in the IndyCar Series. Those drivers returning for a fourth visit to the Edmonton Indy event are Justin Wilson (who won this event in 2006), Paul Tracy, Oriol Servia, and Mario Dominguez. Ryan Hunter-Reay competed in the 2005 event, but was out of an open-wheel ride for 2006 before his being hired by Rahal-Letterman Racing before the 2007 Mid-Ohio event. Other notable drivers from that race are its inaugural pole setter, A. J. Allmendinger who now runs in Sprint Cup, Jimmy Vasser, now part owner of KV Racing Technologies, and Sebastian Bourdais and Timo Glock who are both in Formula 1. Other drivers who will be driving this Saturday who have visited this circuit before are Bruno Junquiera, Graham Rahal, and Will Power.

Edmonton aerial view.

Visit the official site for the Rexall Edmonton Indy for a detail facility and track map.

Thursday Practice:
Unfortunately, there was no video feed for the first session, so we have no information other than lap times, but the surprise of the afternoon has been Paul Tracy. The Thrill from West Hill has never driven a Dallara, yet he spent most of the first session among the top 10 on the speed charts. Not surprisingly, many of the new drivers to the series who have had experience at this track also put up good times with circuit veterans making up half of the top ten in Session 1.

Video is back for Session 2, and there's been a lot of spins. Bruno suffered the most with a very expensive off after a suspension failure. Danica continues to struggle on the road courses. Her best lap still can't bring her in the top 20. By the end of the session, many of the new teams and drivers had figured out the subtle differences in how the Dallara gets around the track and took 7 of the top 10 spots.

Here's the top 5 for the day:
Will Power - 1:02.3404
Oriol Servia - 1:02.3900
Helio Castroneves - 1:02.5365
Ryan Briscoe - 1:02.5831
Justin Wilson - 1:02.6220

What to Watch:
The 14-turn circuit is different than most airport circuits in that its hybrid in design. Most of the course is run on the airport's concrete runways, but a purpose-build section of asphalt road course was layed down to form turns 2 through 7. The road course section is not only a different compound, but also much narrower. This is where many of the less skilled drivers will lose time, and the great drivers will pull away. The airport part of the track, like most airport circuits, offers a very wide racing line that rewards aggressive driving styles. Because of this, look for drivers like Ryan Briscoe, and the infamous Paul Tracy to do quite well. That isn't to say that patient and precise drivers like Will Power, and Justin Wilson won't do well. The road course section is where the precise drivers will shine as opposed to the high-speed airport section.

Corners to watch for bold moves and spectacular passes are turns 1, 9, 10, 11, and 13. Turn 1 will see drivers fighting to gain a positional advantage going into turn 2 and the road course section. Many passes may start in turn 1, but not be fully complete until the exit of turn 2. Turn 9 is another competition for position corner. Drivers will be trying to maximize their exit speed in turn 9, so if two cars are close, they may end up trying to occupy the same racing line if neither driver backs down. The reason why the exit of turn 9 is so important is because of turn 10. This is a perfect corner for drivers to make a pass by braking later and going deeper into the turn than their competitors. Turns 11 and 12 are really one long double-apex right-hander that sets up similar to the turns 9 and 10 sequence. Drivers can make a pass going into 11, but the important part of the 11/12 complex is getting a good exit to make the run down to turn 13 which will be another prime location for overtaking.

Good Mail

A while back I signed up for something called Good Mail, Elaine over at
The Miss Elaine-ous Life introduced me to it.
The general idea is that you are part of a group that shares home addresses and birth dates so you can send each other mail. At any time one of the girls may send you a little "Good Mail" nothing huge just a little card, a pack of gum or Mc D's Gift certificates!!! It's just a little something that says "Hey thinking about you and wanted to brighten your day!"

I have received 3 good mail packages recently, 2 in the last couple of weeks when they were really needed!
Take a look!

Thanks Jody!!!

Debbie You Rock!

So if you want to participate in Good Mail drop Jody's Blog to let her know and she will get you all hooked up!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I needed a break.......

So this picture was taken the Tuesday night before we left can you tell by the look on my face that i needed a break??

I really didn't know just how much a needed a break till I took one, and I must say things can change for the better in a short period of time. First, I missed you all very much, I realized just how much all of you have become a part of my life.

Good things happened while I was away, I received the raise I had been hoping for, my daughter is now sprouting new front teeth, hubby and I had some great quality time together to talk about family and what our goals and aspirations are both as a couple and as individuals, and there were many many other things which I won't bore you with.

During my so called break I also became more aware that I tend to stress too much about life...... I know some of you are thinking "SHOCKER!!! I could have told you that" See I have this need to do everything perfect, if I commit myself to a job then I see it the whole way through, like this blog.... I committed myself to it and I have been pretty darn good up until a week ago. It hit me while I was taking a break that I don't have to be all things to all people all the time. This blog was to be an outlet for me, a place to write my thoughts and feelings and have a diary of sorts for later in life. It has been all of that and more, I have found great friendships and advice but somewhere along the way I felt I had to be the best (which I know I am far far from) and blogging was starting to lose some of it's original luster. So forgive me in the coming weeks if I don't post everyday, it isn't for lack of things to say I assure you; it is more lack of time then anything else. Also the realazation that I am never going to have the Perfect Blog!

So forgive me if I don't post comments for the posts written the past 5 or so days, I will mark all as read and start fresh today.

My break started out a bit rocky, Wednesday about 2 ours after I arrived at work I received a call from my husband saying Jackson had chicken pox or so he thought, So I rushed home took him to the Doctor who was not ready to call it chicken pox but it had all the classic symptoms yet not the full blown rash which I have been told is sometimes common when a child have been vaccinated. Sowe were told to wait and watch, we watched Jackson closely the following 24 hours and nothing more happened so he must have had some viral thing.

Thursday we headed to NY we only made it to Scranton, PA since we left after work, we spent the night in a hotel and drove the last 2 hours to NY Friday am. Lauren was so happy to see us, man I swear she changed a ton the 6 days she was gone. Her front teeth started to come in and she seems so much more grown up. We spent the morning just hanging out at Nana and Pop Pops then headed to a family friends farm to look at all the crazy animals they have llamas, lemurs, pot belly pigs, turtles, mini horses, you name it we saw it. The kids had a blast! Saturday afternoon we had a mini birthday celebration for me since my birthday is in a couple of weeks (Aug 3rd) and most of Dan's family was there on Saturday then my hubby and I headed to a Tony Bennett concert, I know it sounds crazy but it was great! We sat on the lawn at dusk and listened to old music. Afterward we caught up with some of my husbands old classmates who were in town as well. It was funny to see Dan with all his old high school buddies. Sunday we headed up to Albany to see Dan's sister for a few hours then headed further north to Brant Lake, NY to see our old au pair Abby, who is working at a summer camp up there. After visiting with her for a couple of hours we started the voyage home! We only made it as far as Harrisburg, PA before we both said it was time to pull over and resume driving the morning. Thank goodness for Hilton points! We were able to stay both nights free based on the points we have from our collective business travel. We finally returned home on Monday where we ran errands and got ready for the week.

I have a ton of pictures but I have yet to get them started so as soon as I have a moment I will post some pictures of the weekend.

I hope you all had a great weekend, and I will talk to all of you as the week progresses. Thanks for your love and warm wishes it is great to know that I have such amazingly cool blog friends, if ever any of you are in the DC area you must be sure to look me up and I will do the same!

Wordless Wednesday

Ah cake!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Mid-Ohio Preview


Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course, much like Watkins Glen, is steeped in racing history. The course was built in 1962 and has been the site of numerous karting, sports car, and open wheel events. Most of the racing at Mid-Ohio is sports car and motorcycle racing. Most notibly, the SCCA Runoffs were held at Mid-Ohio for 11 years between 1994 and 2005 before moving to Heartland Park in Topeka. IndyCar racing first appeared at Mid-Ohio in the CART days of 1982 through 2003 when the infamous Paul Tracy won from the pole on his way to the 2003 CART championship. The IRL returned open-wheel racing to the venue last year as a package weekend with the American Le Mans Series and the Speed World Challenge series. The same pairing of events is scheduled for this year as well. One unique feature about Mid-Ohio course is that the race start happens on the longer back stretch so there's less congestion and less carnage in the first turn after the green flag. That didn't work exactly as planned in 2007.

Mid-Ohio Track Map

Last Year:

Not surprisingly, Helio Castroneves set the pole at last year's inaugural (although, not really the first IndyCar race here) Honda 200 at Mid-Ohio presented by Westfield Insurance with a lap time of 1:06.8375 sec. Yes, I know that its typical in the IndyCar Series for the lap speed to be displayed rather than lap time, but whereas that's fine for an oval, its not meaningful for a road course. Lap time is better, trust me. However, once the race started chaos ensued. Danica Patrick was slow, perhaps on her own, perhaps because of the pace car. The debate still goes on, but the results were catastrophic for Team AGR. Tony Kannan slammed on the brakes to avoid running into the back of Danica who had to cut through the China Beach section of the track. When TK hit the brakes, he started to spin and collided with Marco Andretti. When Marco's car came to a stop, it was upside down. Both Tony and Danica would recover to finish 4th and 5th, respectively. Marco, obviously, was finished for the day. Dario Franchitti avoided the mayhem and he and Scott Dixon proceeded to run away from the field and have their own private battle as they'd had all year long. Dixon would win out in the end, with Dario trailing by just under three seconds. Helio rounded out the top three.

Last year was also the first race for Rahal Letterman Racing's new driver, Ryan Hunter-Reay. Ryan did very well for his first time out in the car finishing the race in seventh. There are still some harsh feelings toward RLR amongst the fandom for how their previous driver, Jeff Simmons, was released. Jeff was at the track with his motorhome set up for the weekend when he receieved a phone call with the bad news. Jeff will return this weekend to the Mid-Ohio venue to compete in the Firestone Indy Lights races on Saturday and Sunday.

What to Watch:

As with any road course, passing takes some planning. Drivers won't be able to pass just anywhere on the track. Look for prime passing opportunities at the entrance to T2, the Keyhole, and at the entrance to the esses in T4. The straight along Thunder Alley after the esses has the potential to provide a good braking zone as drivers go into the Carousel, but it depends upon whether the drivers can make a two-wide run through T11.

Weather will be something to watch throughout the weekend. Right now, there's a 25% chance of rain on both Saturday and Sunday. Unlike an oval race, rain will not halt a road race. Remember the St. Petersburg Grand Prix from earlier this year? Racing in the wet is not something that many of the existing IndyCar drivers have done a lot of recently. The new drivers to the series coming over from ChampCar have a lot more recent experience. If the track becomes wet, expect to see the new and old drivers much more mixed up in the standings than they've been previously. Especially be on the lookout for Justin Wilson and Oriol Servia. If the track remains dry, expect those teams most experienced with the Dallara to remain up front. It will likely be a scrap between Dixon, Briscoe, Helio, TK, and RHR. For the latest in race weather, check out the weather blog by fellow IndyCar Garage member, Cassie.

If you've never watched the Firestone Indy Lights races, this would be a great event to watch for your first time. The FIL cars will actually run two races over the weekend. The first on Saturday at 5:25pm EDT and the second on Sunday at 10:35am EDT. Unfortunately, these events aren't shown on ESPN until Thursday afternoon, but you can go to the website and catch the live video stream and radio broadcast. Last year, Richard Antinucci won here inspite of Alex Lloyd taking the pole. Antinucci is now in Lloyd's #7 Lucas Oil car for Sam Schmidt Racing. Antinucci will have strong competition from last years Atlantics champion, Raphael Matos. The two drivers are separated by only 15 points in the standings, with Richard on top. However, the two young men had better keep an eye out for Antinucci's teammate, Ana Beatriz. Ana scored her first win, and the first win for any female driver, in the Indy Lights series at Nashville last weekend. In truth, this should have been her second win as she was leading the St. Petersburg GP when her teammate got into the back of her and spun her out in T1. With the confidence and momentum of her first win, look for Ana to be very strong this weekend.

Salt Lake Temple

I wanted a picture of our temple in our house, but couldn't find any I liked. So, not giving up, I took one myself! Everyone likes it, so i thought I'd post it.

Wedding Pics

We got married September 28, 2007 in the Salt Lake Temple. It was a windy day, but luckily, it was warm and the snow didn't come until the next morning!


In June, we went with our friends and family to our first rodeo of the year. Strawberry Days in Pleasant Grove was really fun this year. We even got my "too cool" brother, Brant, to wear some of Pete's Wranglers and boots. They all looked real fine! We had tons of fun with everyone and left very full of strawberries and cream. Pete ate 5 cups!

I'm outta here!!!!

I am going to be MIA for the next 4 days, I am going up to NY with the family to see my baby girl who has been there for a week with her grandparents but I am staying for some much needed R&R. Things seem to be getting better but I think a few days may just be what the Dr. ordered. So I will be back hopefully with stories to share. Have a great weekend and I will be in touch with all of you soon.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Tidy moms this post isn't for you!!

Elaine at The Miss Elaine-ous Life encouraged me to participate in the Dirty Baby Carnival over at Boys Rule My Life . So here goes you might reconize this as my Wordless Wednesday post from last week! My daughter was covered head to toe for dinner one night when hubby was left in charge! The second is when I let my kids play in a mud hole!

Wordless Wednesday... even the hubby is in on it!

Ok so this isn't so wordless!!!So we went to the baseball game the other night and the lady in front of me was sporting a fashion Faux Paux, I had to share. Yes that is my husbands finger pointing at her! Has she not heard of a strapless bra??

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tuesday Toot

I think I am finally starting to get a Green Thumb!!! I was never much for planting bulbs and things but this year I tried and I am liking the results!

Monday, July 14, 2008

I'm back ...kinda

First I must send my apologies for not posted my Friday Hodge podge as well as not being very good at leaving comments at other blogs. My funk still exists but I think I am starting to deal with circumstances a bit better.

This weekend flew by, but what's new, Friday I was able to get home a little early, so I hung out with the kids and unwound with a glass of wine. Dan went to play softball so once the kids were in bed it was my time. However I didn't have much of it because I fell asleep at 9pm. Guess my body needed some rest.

Saturday I had a haircut at 9:30am then went on to Costco to do a little needed shopping, once home I put the kids in the spa (it was turned down) and hung out on the deck sunning while they played. We went to the Nationals game with an Army buddy of Dan's and his daughter. My kids had a blast and Lauren even got a ball. She didn't catch it but the usher did and gave it to her. Lucky little devil! It was a late night but a lot of fun. We were all exhausted and fell asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillow.

Sunday I made sure I put the finishing touches on packing Lauren's stuff or her weekend with Dan's parents for the week in NY. I must say it hit me while packing that she has really grown up in the last year and it seems to have passed by in a blink.

Since Dan was driving a little over half way to meet his parents and drop off Lauren we thought it would be best to let Jackson stay with me for the day but we did give him a choice. He said he wanted to stay however when he saw his sister about to go he had a bit of a temper tantrum and now wanted to go. We said no because we really didn't think it was a great idea as it would mean 10 hours in the car. However Lauren piped up that it was not late for Jackson to change his mind because they hadn't left yet. She had a point and Jackson got to go. They didn't get home till well after 10pm. Lauren called about 9:30 sounding very sad but I am sure she will be just fine.

I was able to take a 3 hour nap, clean out my pantry and organized it, took a bath; I can't tell you the last time I did that without kids around. I was able to watch a bit of TV and then headed to bed once the boys got home!

All in all the kind of weekend I needed! Hope your weekend was fun and relaxing let me know what you were up too!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Nashville Firestone Indy 200 Preview

The Nashville Superspeedway, owned by Dover Motorsports, is a relatively new track, constructed in 2001. This is almost an exact opposite of the previous venue, Watkins Glen. The Glen is a road course set in the beautiful forests of upstate New York and steeped in decades of grand prix racing, whereas the Nashville Superspeedway is a new 1.3 miles of hyperfast concrete oval racing action. There are some similarities, however. Scott Dixon has been dominant at both tracks for the past two years. The IndyCar Series has held an event every year since the track was first constructed, and every one of the races have been sponsored by Firestone. Depending upon how the 2009 schedule shakes out, this may be the last IndyCar race at this venue. Firestone has already made it clear that its primary interest is in the health of the series. They'd like to see the Nashville race continue since Firestone's North American headquarters are in Nashville, but first and foremost, they would like a healthy and robust series to whom they can sell tire. One of the unique aspects of the event is its trophy. The winner will receive a genuine Gibson electric guitar custom painted for each year's event.

Last Year:

Last year's race was delayed by rain and held on Monday instead of Sunday. That certainly hurt the attendance numbers, and the TV ratings. The on-track product, thought, was out of sight! Although it was Scott Dixon sitting on the pole, Dario Franchitti jumped ahead to take an early and very dominating lead. It really looked like it was going to yet another Dario win and that his championship lead was going to extend to a near insurmountable gap. Dixon in the meantime had fallen back to third. Dixon would regain the lead for keeps by making the most impressive pass of the 2007 season, blowing by both Dario and his own teammate Dan Wheldon on the low side as the trio caught up to lapped traffic.
With a lot of racing action throughout the field, and especially up front, the 2007 Firestone Indy 200 was a great race to watch. Dario finished in 2nd, thus minimizing Scott's gain on his lead. A driver that was, if you can believe it, somewhat overlooked during the race was Danica Patrick. After posting practice times that were routinely in the top three, she qualified 7th. During the race, she stayed clean on the very green track and motored her way up to 3rd. Tony Kannan, however, found the wall in what's become an all too familiar scene: TK passing on a line that's too high on the track, swapping ends, and hitting the wall.

What to Watch:
Unfortunately, due to a tight personal schedule, there won't be time to include an analysis of the Friday practice sessions, so we'll just skip to things to watch for in this year's event. First of all is the carnage. At just 1.3 miles in length, Nashville is somewhere inbetween a short track and a superspeedway. This means that you have cars moving at superspeedway speeds of over 200 mph, but on a rather narrow, short, and concrete track with only two racable grooves. Lapped traffic comes up early and often, and was a major contributor to Scott Dixon being able to make his pass for the lead from P3 last year. Lapped traffic was also a major contributor to a few incidents including Tony Kannan's unfriendly meeting with the T2 wall. Considering the increased level of competition and aggression, and the decreased level of driver respect and restraint we've seen this year, expect another outbreak of yellow fever. Restarts will be critical! This plays well into the hands of TK and Jaime Camara. Their restart skills are fantastic, with Tony's being near legendary. On the other end of the spectrum are Danica's restart skills, or lack thereof. Once up to speed, she will be able to pick her way through the field, provided the oversteer that's plauged here all season doesn't show up again. During the restarts, however, she always seems slow, loses a couple of spots, and really bunches up the field behind her. It really wouldn't be a bad idea for her to practice those restarts once she has her qualying and race setups dialed in.

There are a number of drivers that could win this race. So far this season, there have been eight different winners of eleven different races: Dixon, Rahal, Patrick, Power, Wheldon, Briscoe, Kannan, and Hunter-Reay. We just might see a ninth unique winner. This type of track really favors Marco's style, and if he can keep from running into someone, look for Andretti 3.0 in the top 5. Vitor Meira is hungrier and faster than ever! Its really a wonder that he hasn't won a race yet this season. This could be the site of his first win. Many of the new teams and drivers are starting to really figure out ovals and the Dallara chassis. Bruno Junquiera will be fast and should be fun to watch, even if he won't be in the top 5, but drivers like EJ Viso, Oriol Servia, and Justin Wilson just might! There's a lot of parity amongst the teams and drivers, so its really hard to have n outright favorite. It should be a fun-filled, if a bit chaotic, race down in Music City.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Funky Town

Ok it is official! I am certifiably in a funk! How I got there I am not sure and how I get out of it seems to be even more of a mystery. So if you will please be my therapist for a few minutes and listen to me ramble.

I have no desire to do anything, all I want is for it to be my time for vacation, yet the prospect of hanging on till my vacation (Aug 9th) seems like torture. I have so many random thoughts going on in my brain. Here are some of the things that are weighing heavy on my mind.

My boss has been out of the office nearly 3 weeks sick , I truly admire this guy and I had the unfortunate task of telling someone in Sr. management that he was out. I think he wanted to keep things quite thinking he would be back soon but I was asked a direct question and couldn’t very well lie. I have not shared with anyone what the issues are with him but still I feel I have somehow broken his trust. Before it was know tht he was out he was in touch with me, since I have heard next to nothing. I send him updates since I know he is reading email and I get little to no response from him, others don’t really get a lot either but still it makes me wonder is he upset with me? Oh and yes I am picking up some of the slack.

Add to his being out that I was lead to believe that I was to get a raise which we thought would be effective July 1st which I have not heard a word about. I have been paid since July 1st and there was not a penny more in my check. To complicate matters more I was approached by someone who has the ear of sr. management about being the grand poobah of my area and another. Let me rephrase I was told that I was going to be suggested to be the grand poobah. This news sent me into a tail spin because most of the folks…hell all of them are my Sr.(age wise) and most certainly would not be pleased with my appointment to said position. Also I am not sure that I am 100% qualified to take on that role, yet I don’t know that I should turn it down if offered. Which then gets me thinking if the suggestion is put forth and accepted why the hell have I not gotten my small raise that has been pending for over 2 months? Something doesn’t add up.

Moving on to family, I feel as though I ache for a 3rd child, in theory it seems easy enough. Then I start to really ponder, the late nights, the terrible 2’s, the days off from work, the financial worries, the fact that I am 7 years older now then when I had my first, I thought of rocking the boat so to speak. I keep saying to myself in time, or when Dan retires, or when I get a big raise. All of which may never come then I will be left with this regret that I didn’t go for it, yet I don’t want to regret havinga 3rd because of the things I just described.

Finally, ground hog day, everyday is like ground hog day and if it isn’t ground hog day it is something that keeps me and the rest of the family from relaxing weddings, family get togethers, business meetings, etc. My weekend last weekend was glorious; I loved not having to be anywhere and not having to do anything. I think for me it was a wake up call that I need a break, I need a vacation. Yet I question myself if that is really the answer.

My husband knows there is something up because he keeps asking me if I am ok, I say yes I just have a lot on my mind. I have shared with him all that is on my mind but I can’t say that any solutions have been put forth. I am sure this is just a busy time, or rough patch, or whatever you want to call it and it too will soon pass, but it feels yucky. I feel like my head is swirling and I don’t know when to turn!

I have rambled her with little regard for content or grammar or spelling for that matter, I just needed to release.

BTW if you have tagged me in the last few weeks and I have not responded it is because I have forgotten please email the tag link and I will participate!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Blog Bling





Thanks Kristen!

Thanks Courtney!!!

Thanks Wendy!

Thanks Stephanie!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Vacation or Staycation??

I took a staycation, seems to be the new en vouge thing to do now that gas prices have gone through the roof, at least so I am told

I will admit that part of me was a bit bummed that we were not going anywhere since we had a 3 day weekend; however, the other part of me was happy to have a whole weekend without anything that “had” to be done or having to be anywhere at a set time.

I realized during my staycation that I don’t get to spend a lot of time in my own home enjoying it. While watching TV Saturday night it came to me that my husband and I work uber hard to have nice things such as our house yet we really don’t take the time to enjoy it. For instance we have a 50in TV in our family room the primary users? The kids…..they use it to watch their shows in the morning and before bed and Dan and I may watch the news or some Sunday morning shows. Wrong answer I thought. I could list a few dozen examples like that in my house.

So I made a decision this weekend, I like my house and I need to spend more time enjoying it. One out of town vacation a year is enough time out of the house (that doesn’t mean we won’t have some weekend getaway's here and there) but a vacation at home can be just as relaxing and even downright productive.

Now before you scold me for staying in the house all weekend let me be clear that we did get out and do things such as, all day at the pool on the 4th, blueberry and cherry picking at a local farm on Saturday and Sunday we played in the yard and got some chores done. I can say with confidence that the best part was the berry picking; we had a picnic in the back of our sequoia rode a tractor and picked 8lbs of berries. Take a look doesn’t it look like fun?? So how was your 4th? What did you and your family do this long weekend?

Friday, July 4, 2008

Watkins Glen Preview


The Watkins Glen course, as its currently configured, was established in 1956 and hosted the Formula 1 US Grand Prix from 1961 through 1980. American Open Wheel Racing began at The Glen when they expanded the track to include the boot section in 1971. CART ran its last race at The Glen in 1981 when the track went bankrupt and open-wheel grand prix racing didn't return until 2005 when the IRL ran one of its first road course events there. Scott Dixon won that first race, ...and the second, and the third! Perhaps they should rename the track Dixon's Glen? You can read more about the history of this fantastic track at the official site for Watkins Glen. They have a great essay summarizing the history of the venue.
Track schematic for the Watkins Glen Grand Prix course.

Last Year

Helio Castroneves took the pole with a track record time of 1:29.1919 and lead the opening laps of the race, but Dixon's menacing presence right behind him perhaps contributed to his mistake coming out of T11. The back end stepped out on Helio and he was out of the race.
Dixon took over the lead and never really gave it up. Sure others just as Wheldon and Meira lead the race for a few laps as everyone cycled through the pits, but no one had anything for Dixon and he cruised to his third straight win at Watkins Glen, a feat matched only by the great Graham Hill in the 1963, 1964, and 1965 USGPs. This feat was overshadowed a bit by the post-race pit brawl as a heated discussion between Sam Hornish Jr. and Tony Kannan grew out of hand and devolved into fisticuffs between Sam Hornish Sr. and one of AGRs staffers.

Practice Sessions

Friday, Session 1

The first practice session was delayed a bit due to a bit of fog and wildlife. Anyone who remembers Christiano da Matta's tragic incident with a deer at Elkhart Lake in 2006 can fully appreciate why they delayed practice. Once the track was cleared, practice commenced with an unsurprising result of both Target Chip Gannasi Racing cars finishing in P1 and P2 followed closely by Tony Kannan and last year's pole winner and track record holder Helio Castroneves. From fifth on down, its really difficult to make any judgements on who has speed and who doesn't as the first practice is usually just a shakedown for many, but KV Racing looked very strong. Oriol Servia had the 5th fastest before spinning at the exit of T10 and just touching the inside wall with his front wing. There was no appreciable damage to the suspention and he should return for the 2nd session. His teammate Will Power also ran strong for a while, even sitting on top of the speed charts for a time, but ended up 9th fastest.

Friday, Session 2

Not even the bugs can get out of Dixon's way!No one is safe around Dixon, not least of all the insectile fauna around Watkins Glen. Scott was blazing fast during the second practice session, but fast as we was, he still couldn't best Helio's track record. He couldn't even shake his nemisis this season as Helio in the last minutes of the session posted a 1:30:2891 time, just 0.0944s behind Dixon. Tomorrow's qualification should make for great viewing! The surprise performer of the session was Bruno Junqueira. Its not surprising because of the driver, but because of the team. Dale Coyne Racing has not been real strong this year, and Bruno has not been shy about expressing his dissatisfaction calling the team a bunch of "club racers". In spite of all that, Bruno was eighth on the speed charts. There's one more practice session before tomorrow's qualifying run, but expect that to be a race setup shake-down. There may be a few of the backmarker teams still working on qualifying setup, but the top teams will have their work already done and be working on race setup.

What to Watch For

This is the first trip back to a twisty track since the street race at St. Petersburg, at least for the all of the competitors, and keep in mind that race was won by the young "Son of Stache" and other new IndyCar Series teams showing strong in the top 10. EJ Viso, Enrique Bernoldi, Oriol Servia, Will Power, and Justin Wilson all made the top 10. Look for these teams to be strong again at The Glen, especially KV Racing with Oriol Servia and Will Power. Both KV drivers performed extremely well in practice and will be top 5 contenders both during qualification and on race day. Lesser speed was shown by the NHL duo of Graham Rahal and Justin Wilson, but as we all know, race day performance isn't always linked to practice performance. Don't be surprised to see both solidly within the top ten if not in the top five. Dixon has owned this track since IndyCars returned in 2005. His name is the only name on the trophy! In practice, both TCGR cars were fast, and it will be a surprise if Dixon doesn't dominate the field again. Recently he's struggled at the short tracks of Iowa and Richmond, but those struggles will likely just be fuel for his drive and determination this weekend. Lets just hope that there's no extracurricular activities this year like we had last year!