Thursday, November 8, 2007

One more day!!!

Well, I am on day 3 of 4 and I am longing to be home I did not sleep well last night sure if it was the paper thin walls of this lovely Hilton hotel or the planes that kept landing and taking off last night or simply that I miss my family and my bed as well as the man I share it with.

I spoke to Daddy last night and all seems to be going well my son had an accident yesterday on the way to daycare because my husband forgot to have him go potty when he woke up. My daughter complained that her hair didn't look good because daddy forget to comb it but hey there were dressed and they had food so they were good to go.

A girlfriend of mine sent me the link below which made me howl with laughter in my hotel room this morning, sorry room 650! Here it is for you to enjoy too!

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