Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Arches 2011

We wanted to get out of town, so we decided to head to Moab for a quick weekend trip. We went with the Smith's and the plan was relaxing and going to Arches National Park and hike to Delicate Arch. I'd never been to Arches and it had been 10 years for Adam, so we were excited.

Paisley and Wyatt became best buddies! Ready for bed at Wyatt's first sleepover!

Wyatt was such a champ in the car. Getting excited to go for his first hike in Arches!

Here's Balance Rock, taken from the car. It blows me away how these rock formations just appear out of nowhere!

Off we go! Wyatt did really good in his "backpack", until we got close to the top. Then he got tired and hungry :) But we fed him and he was much happier!

The hike wasn't easy, but so worth it! The pictures don't do it justice. The arch was HUGE!

We walked over under the arch and Amber took some pictures of us, but I don't have them yet :) It was scary up there for me! I'm afraid of heights and since you're just walking on a ridge at the top of the mountain, I was pretty nervous. And having my baby there only made it worse :) It was really windy, but after such a warm hike with no shade, the wind felt good.

On the way down, both babies were SO tired. They took turns fussing so we hurried down :) First Wyatt fell asleep (yep, face-planted right into his chair. We could hear him snoring, so we weren't too worried)....

Then Paisley fell asleep. Poor girl was sleeping half-way hanging out of her chair :)

Got all cleaned up after our hike!

The whole trip was fun, but tiring (both babies had a hard time sleeping). We went to Zax for pizza and it was REALLY good! Oh, and Greg Miller (owner of the Jazz) stayed at our hotel while we were there. Almost went to say hi during breakfast, but the boys chickened out. And this sign across the street from our hotel cracked us up! I don't care how cheap the food is, anything (other then ice cream) that's served by-the-scoop can't be good!

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