Monday, November 22, 2010

Audi RS3 Sportback

Audi RS3 Sportback

Audi RS3 Sportback

Posted on 11.22.2010 10:00 by Kirby Filed under: Audi | hatchback | sports cars | Audi RS3 | 2012 | Cars | Car Reviews | Audi It’s been a while, years even, but after waiting for what seems to have been ages, Audi has finally revealed the long-awaited RS3 Sportback. Then again, it’s still better late than never, right?The RS3 Sportback is the performance level of the new A3, and seeing as the A3 finally hit the market, it wasn’t that hard to think that the RS3 was sure to follow. And now, here we are.Excited as we are with the release of this sexy and powerful vehicle, Audi has announced that they will only build 2,700 units, which isn’t all that bad if you’re quick to reserve a model, right?Unfortunately, there’s also another piece of sad news for all our Audi-loving fans here in America. The RS3, awesome as it is, will not see the roads across the Atlantic. From what we’ve heard, there’s a slim-to-none chance that we’ll ever see the RS3 on this side of the world.Yes, we can hear the collective groans from Miami to Seattle now.Check out why we want this vehicle so bad after the jump. Oh yeah, there’s a press release in there too. Audi RS3 Sportback originally appeared on on Monday, 22 November 2010 10:00 EST. read more

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