Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Good Looking Stuff

Look at this sweet new set of dishes I got:

And they even got a cute bird on the bottom:

I am in LOVE with my dishes! The dishes were a gift from Denis for getting a job. Originally I had just got the mugs from Anthropologie with a gift card for my hot milk drinks. Then I decided I wanted the whole set and was off to buy it, but Denis said he would get it for me if I got the job..... and so I got the job and we went to Anthropologie the next day only to discover that the dishes had gone on sale (yay!) but only 4 bowls were left (Oh no!) so we filled out a form and the Anthro staff found other stores that had the dishes and they were sent to us! Yay! 

Although before that I had called a million stores trying to find the dishes only to have the stores the staff had contacted send me the dishes anyway. What a waste of 2 hours! 

So I have 

4 bowls
6 plates
2 mugs

I am waiting on the other 2 mugs. I hope they get here soon! I am sad without them. 

Of course I refuse to let Denis touch or use the dishes. Which is bad because you are supposed to enjoy your nice things. Because no occasion is ever special enough - everyday should be special. But whatever.

I also finished my sweater! 

But I made the sleeves too short. I don't feel like pulling it apart like I already had to do once with the left sleeve because there were about a billion holes around the underarm because I didn't know how to pick up stitches correctly. Besides it is too freaking hot here anyway to wear and probably will not cool down until November - maybe - although more like December. So I have plenty of time to fix it.

And check out my new shirt!!!

This shirt is BOSS!

I love the number on the back and the horse on the front!


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