Monday, June 7, 2010

iamdiddy = Twitter

So I follow iamdiddy (P Diddy) on twitter. Just something to kill the time when I am stuck in line or waiting for my sister in the dressing room (true story because one time we went into the store and the CD playing repeated itself because she took so long).

Anyway - I hate noticed a few things about P Diddy's twitters that drive me up the wall.

  • Let's go!!!!! -  This is mentioned in every single twitter update he makes. 
  • CIROC - P Diddy's vodka. He plugs this everyday. 
  •  @iamdiddy YO DJs! I DARE you to play HelloGoodMorning! I DARE YOU! - He plugged this song for months. Every day would be #HelloGoodMorning. And then this tweet. He DARED DJ's to play his song. DARED. I was incredulous when I read this. Dare? Dare? Common really? 

I can't stand it. It kills me to read his tweets. Yet I still do. It is probably a form of self torture that I seem to enjoy given my inaction to delete him from my follow list. 

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