Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I finally did it….

I have been with my current company for 12 years, in that time I have gotten married had 3 kids and countless other life and family events have happened. Through it all I have been a true blue employee in good times and bad and honestly they have been a good employer as well. 5 years ago my company moved its offices about 37 miles from my home as compared to the 12miled I used to commute. To many I am sure that isn’t that big of a deal but when you live in the 2nd most traffic congested city in the country it is a big deal add to that the time constraints of daycare drop off and pick ups well it becomes downright stressful.

It wasn’t until about 18 months ago that I noticed my usually think skin traffic tolerance start to crack. Why? Well, VA DOT started building hot lanes in an effort to ease the congestion here in the DC metro area that construction has added at least another 15 minutes to my commute and that is on a good day. Completion of this project is not until 2013!!

After taking a much needed vacation or stay-cation as I called it I realized it was the commute that was killing me. Even though I was on vacation I was checking my email and taking calls while home (kids were all in school or daycare during the day). I was not not nearly as stressed out nor was I watching the clock like a hawk. My ah-ha moment arrived; I needed to start working from home!

So Monday morning after my stay-cation I had a meeting with my boss I flat out asked if I could start working 2 days a week from home figuring I would only get approved for one day. To my surprise he said “sure”!! What!!!!! I thought to myself, did I hear you right you are OK with me being home???? I of course need to come in on the days I usually work from home if there is a meeting that requires my physical presence and if senior management wants they can put a stop at any time.

So today is my first work from home day and it has been one of my most productive days since coming back from maternity leave. I was at my home office desk at 6:30 got a good hour in a half in before dropping the kids at school which by the way was not a rushed event as it usually is and I was back at my desk a mere 10 mins later.

So thank you kind boss I promise not to let you down and my advise to you other working moms you never know till you ask!

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