Monday, January 25, 2010

Just popping in to say hello!

Life continues to spin sometimes in a controllable fashion! I am back to running and training for the DC half marathon in March a little nervous because there is a time limit of 2hours and 30 minutes and my time for Disney was 2 hours 36 minutes shaving off 6 minutes will be tough. I am not fond of the idea of "the bus” picking me up and taking me to the finish line because I am slow. I guess we will just see what happens.

I am a little frustrated recently as I seem to be spending a lot of time working out for various reasons but I don't seem to be getting any results as far as my weight loss. Now I know I am not as young as I used to be and I just had a baby 5 months ago (can you believe she is that old?) But come on! As of today, I have decided to keep a food journal so I can try to figure out what the heck is going on. I think I know part of the problem is snacking but I don’t think that is the entire problem. I am told stress could be a big part of it too and Lord knows I have a ton of that going on in my life right now. So has anyone out there ever kept a food journal? Did it help you?

Finally, does anyone know how to get annoying commenter’s off my page??? I am thinking of moving to word press but I don’t know how much work that is.

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