Monday, November 16, 2009

Xiaxue Responded To My Twitter!

Ok so Xiaxue

who writes a blog in Singapore that I enjoy reading, also has a Twitter account that she seems to write in more than her blog. So anyway - I was reading her twitter when she happen to come across a "imitator" blog from this chick in Norway named Monica Tang.

Here is the Twitter that went down:

OK like a bit freaked out right now... Just saw a girl's blog... And she's like totally similar to me?!??!

Chinese w blonde hair, same dog (hers still pup), same dog BED, same camera, blinged, same computer table, same mp3 player, blinged....

She did say she got her inspiration from me though. I knew I was inspiring but not THAT inspiring!

LOLOLAlright her link is I'm not offended or anything though, coz she clearly has her own style... Just a bit freaked.

Ok I was at page 14 and now the site can't load... Thanks ah, how many of you clicked on the link?!

@davelucas I saw her link me dude... How can she not know about me when so many things are copied? - Ok here's a pic of her dog + same pink dog bed as Pumpkin... - Ok here's her with LX3, silver like mine, blinged and threaded with pearls like mine.

@davelucas As I said, I'm not offended, just a little freaked out.

So seeing this I decide to respond to her because XiaXue jocks Paris Hilton's Style and every girl that wants to be like her. So I send this:

@Xiaxue How can you be freaked out about Monica. I mean you could say you jocked Paris Hilton's style.

As Xiaxue is at times hypocritical about some things - and I really feel the need to point this one out to her. Besides - that Monica Tang girl is way prettier than Xiaxue so I am sure there is also a bit of jealousy. So I go to bed thinking my Tweet will not be responded to because I am sure that Xiaxue gets like mad Tweets. Also she does not know me.

So I jump on Twitter to see what's going on - and I notice that Xiaxue's updates are missing from my Twitter Feed. I was a bit confused - so I get onto her Twitter Page and this is what I find:

IDIOT NO. 2.... RT: @hellopanda2 @Xiaxue How can you be freaked out about Monica. I mean you could say you jocked Paris Hilton's style.

Which part of same dog, same exact dog bed, same mp3 player, same style on camera etc does this fucker not understand??

How come there are such stupid people around?? Like so fucking retarded you just shake your head, looking incredulous and stunned.

And even if my style is "jocked off" Paris (it isn't), it doesn't mean I can't be freaked out. I didn't say Paris is not freaked out by me!

Early morning annoyance. Thank god twitter allows blocking. Won't see shit from the same retards ever again!

After reading this I am super excited because she actually read my twitter and not only responded but also made the effort to block me as well. Even though she admits to the fact that Paris Hilton would be freaked out by her. It confuses me that she does this because she is so open about photo shopping her own pictures, getting botox and that she used to be not so stupid fresh - so why doesn't she take this criticism better? What did I say - hypocritical. I still love it that she responded to me though. It made my day.

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