Friday, July 31, 2009

35 weeks and counting.....

Well here is the peanut! At 35 weeks she is a whopping 6lbs give or take 30%
Face Shot
looking at htis I would say she looks just like her brother and sister when they were born
Profile Shot!
My other kids were born at 39 weeks and Lauren came in at 8lbs even and Jackson was 10lbs 2ozs yes he was delivered vaginally.

Not sure what to expect of this one yet. I am not all over huge like I was with Jackson yet I am not small like I was with Lauren. I guess only time will tell.

I am feeling very tired these days and being on my feet or sitting at a desk for any length of time is killing me because I am so uncomfortable. While I would love to have this baby soon I want her to cook a little longer because I have a plan and those that know me know I don't like to have my plans messed up. I have written about our summer nanny who was our former Aupair, and she has been wonderful with the kids. Since she is from New Zealand she lives with us during the summer. She will be here through the 18th of Sept which is the way I planned it based on my original due date of Sept 3rd. The goal was to have some help here for the first couple of weeks, then be on my own. While it has been wonderful having Abby here and she has been a big help there is something about having someone in your home for an extended period of time that can get on your nerves. Abby is like family, but she isn't and I am ready to reclaim my house and not have to be cheery if I don't feel like it. I know, you can say it I am a mean person. Really I am just a frank person who doesn't pull punches which has gotten me in trouble from time to time.

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