Saturday, May 2, 2009

10 years where has the time gone???

Yesterday May 1st, 2009 was my 10 year wedding anniversay. I wrote a post last year when I first started this blog. This year I decided instead of telling the world what I thougth of my hubby I decided to tell him.
So last night we went out to dinner (a great dinner) and while at dinner I gave him his gift and a card that had the following inside:

While I have been away the last few weeks I have thought about what to get you for our anniversary. Each time I thought about it I came up empty. Then one day I thought I should just simply write down how I feel and maybe an idea would come to me.

It is still very hard for me to believe that 10 years has come and gone so quickly. I have had time to think about the last 10 years and what I kept coming back to is how much you have given me. Sure there are the material things like jewelry, cars, J a beautiful home and other material stuff (which are all great by the way) but you have given me much much more than that.

First, you have given me your trust and love, to me that is huge! You know my life story and I have few people, if any beside you that have given me that honor. You have given me the gift of 2 ½ (at the time of this letter) children. Who I am constantly in awe of, they seem to be the perfect blend of you and I and I feel they will forever be the legacy or our love. You have given me hope. Hope to dream of things I never thought possible. You have given me self-confidence and a sense of worth, hearing from you things like "I have a hot wife" or "you look beautiful" or simply "of course you can do it” gives me strength beyond words.

I can honestly say that when we married, I did not know how truly blessed I was to have found you. I was caught up, as most young brides are, in the fairytale that was finding price charming and the wedding which told the world, I had found him. I knew we had something special however it has been in the last 10 years that I have begun to realize just how special.
I love you with all my being and you are my one and only soul mate and I look forward to a lifetime of anniversaries with you.
All my love, Steph

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