Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Is everything really ok??

I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed by this pregnancy and extremely worried, you would think since I have been through this twice before that I would some what of an old pro. Not at all.... I feel like a young new mother worried about everything all the time! I am struggling to remember what it was like the last 2 times. I am constantly worried that I have or will miscarry especially now that we have let the cat out of the bag. I haven't gained much weight only like 3 lbs but my body has changed (pants are a bit tight). Morning sickness is gone..thanks goodness but that to makes me wonder is everything ok.

I have a sonogram on the 20th and a regular OBYN appt on the 23rd those appt seem eons away and I can't help but worry. Please tell me this is normal and I am just over reacting? I am usually cool as a cucumber when it comes to stuff but this have gotten me all worked up and worried and I hate feeling this way,

So ladies I am turning to you my online wealth of knowledge to tell me I am nutty, normal or something in between.

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