Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Comon Sense

What a great long weekend! I was able to get all the things that I needed to get done and still have some time for me! The kids had a blast making Thanksgiving crafts and helping me decorate the house.Then the reality of work hit me Tuesday night (Monday was a holiday for me) I got up and did the normal routine.... man what a drag! Then while at work my boss asked how the kids were doing and I said good except my oldest Lauren was upset with us because no one was going to be at her thanksgiving luncheon. He replied "Well, what's holding you back" Hmm well maybe the fact that I was out of the office all last week and my desk looks like a bomb went off on it? He says "well don't say your boss wont let you go I think you should go but it is up to you just remember this when she bring it up when she is 23 that you didn't go to her school luncheon" my thought Sold! So I got up this morning and sent in my paper work for a day off only to have him return it to me saying you are working from home therefore I am not accepting this. What a freaking cool boss why can't all business people be this understanding? I mean it is simply common sense, if you show some respect and interest in your workers and their families and bend a little now and then it goes a long way. Truthfully I have gotten more done from home in 3 hours then I would have being in the office all day. The interruptions are killer! Plus I had the bonus of dropping both of my kids off at school when it started instead of dropping them at the crack of dawn! I could start to dig this work from home thing!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

One more day!!!

Well, I am on day 3 of 4 and I am longing to be home I did not sleep well last night sure if it was the paper thin walls of this lovely Hilton hotel or the planes that kept landing and taking off last night or simply that I miss my family and my bed as well as the man I share it with.

I spoke to Daddy last night and all seems to be going well my son had an accident yesterday on the way to daycare because my husband forgot to have him go potty when he woke up. My daughter complained that her hair didn't look good because daddy forget to comb it but hey there were dressed and they had food so they were good to go.

A girlfriend of mine sent me the link below which made me howl with laughter in my hotel room this morning, sorry room 650! Here it is for you to enjoy too!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Traveling the Joy and the Sorrows

As I sit here in my hotel room in very cold Pensacola Beach, FL I am missing my family. I am here on business and will not return home till Friday. I find it ironic that as moms we crave a break, some peace and quiet but once I have had about 3 hours of it I find that I am craving the noise and chaos of my family. Later today I a m traveling to Ft. Lauderdale for another business meeting and I am sure that while I am in the airport I will see many moms with there kids traveling pulling their hair out and my first thought will be oh I wish that were me. Second will be I can sympathize with you Mom I have 2 of my own.

On my way here to Pensacola, I was on a Delta flight and I was keenly aware of the military personnel on board and that they were more then likely headed to Ft. Somewhere to prepare for a long deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan. I thank God that my Army husband is currently at home with his family but I show respect to those who cannot be with their families as one day that could be me. It was heartwarming when I saw a business man in first class offer his seat to one of our distinguished soldiers, he declined but that gesture proved to me that there are people who are not only grateful for our men and women's service but they are willing to show appreciation too. On that same flight, I was so happy when we landed and the usual announcement were being made "Welcome to Atlanta where the local time is ... and the current temperature is..." but then the flight attendant said we have some military personnel with us today and all of us here at Delta want to thank you for your service, to that the whole plane erupted in applause. That is patriotism at it finest!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Ah the joys of Halloween

I hope that everyone had a great Halloween! My kids had a blast, it was the first year that they both really got it and had fun going door to door. Here are a few pics of the kids as well as us parrents!